A bit about
Wayne Youngblood (and WYstamps)
For updates, offers and pricelists, please send email to wystamps@gmail.com with “newsletter” in the subject line.
I am a lifelong collector and 35+-year philatelic professional, who is one of the most trusted and recognized names in the U.S. philatelic community. My love of the hobby began early and never stopped. I've been an APS member for 50 years, serving more than a decade on its board of directors. I also serve as an expertizer for American Philatelic Expertizing (for more than 30 years), and am the longest-term instructor at the APS Summer Seminar on Philately, teaching the Stamp Technology course for more than 30 years. I began my professional involvement with the hobby as a writer at Linn’s Stamp News, became Editor of Scott Stamp Monthly and later Editor-Publisher of Stamp Collector newspaper, as well as serving as publisher of other collectibles titles spanning from comics and toys to records and movies. I am the author of 10 books (including 8 on history and historical photography) and have had thousands of articles published throughout the philatelic world. I currently edit The Collectors Club Philatelist (for the Collectors Club of New York) and the Civil War Philatelist (journal of the Civil War Philatelic Society, and continue to write for Linn's Stamp News, American Philatelist and others. I’m past editor of American Stamp Collector & Dealer (for the American Stamp Dealers Association), Topical Time (for the American Topical Association), Duck Tracks (for the National Duck Stamp Collectors Society), The Posthorn (Scandinavian Collectors Club) Airpost Journal (for the American Air Mail Society) and Across the Fence Post (for the Wisconsin Federation of Stamp Clubs). I also speak extensively on the hobby. In addition to belonging to numerous philatelic organizations, I’ve served on the board of directors of the American Philatelic Society, Arizona Philatelic Rangers and the American First Day Cover Society. I exhibit and have been a philatelic judge. I have also been inducted into the APS Writers Unit #30 Hall of Fame and the Wisconsin Federation of Stamp Clubs Hall of Fame and was presented the APS Luff Award in 2018 (the highest award given by APS to a living member). Although my primary expertise lies in stamps, I also have a strong interest and knowledge base in historical documents, autographs and vintage photographs and have served at numerous appraisal fairs in these areas for about 20 years.
If you like interesting content, please follow me at wayneyoungblood.substack.com for more articles and opinion pieces than are found here!